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Teen Style

That's another show :)

More details :
- xPrettyGirlSwagx presents this show.
- It's about: clothes and fashion :) If you need any advice about clothes of fashion , you can ask her in the show xD
- The show will be Wednesday and Friday.

The story it's about two girls living in a small town and working in an design shop. Once, Madam Louise [Miley Cyrus] discovers the girls, she gives them tickets to Paris, where the girls will be very popular. Once they got there. Both of them are in love with the son of Madam Louise - Nick [Justin Bieber]. But, what will happen? find out soon :D

The characters :
The 2 girls :
-Amanda [ Selena Gomez ] and
- Anna [ Demi Lovato ]
- Madam Louise [ Miley Cyrus ]
- Nick [ Justin Bieber ]
Found myself in Wonderland ♥
Found myself in Wonderland ♥
Fashion !
Fashion !
Enjoy the show :)
Enjoy the show :)

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