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Love or Friendship

The second show , its name Love or Friendship.

More details:
- DeduxaaLov3 [Deny] presents this show.
- It`s about friendship or relationship ..what will do 2 girl when they'll love same boy ..hmm you will see :x
- The show will be on Mondays,Wednesdays,Fridays and Saturdays. :)


Taylor Swift as Rose Jones
Miley Cyrus as Amy Whine
Demi Lovato as Anne Johnson
Justin Bieber as Jake Jonner ..

and mores :)
:D <3
:D <3
You can ask Deny for an advice
You can ask Deny for an advice
Have fun !
Have fun !

Comments • 1

iRawrSelena 20 April 2011  
Great. -
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